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Ja som isiel do mm111 a m25. Tiez mam zapadny piescity suchy svah, niekde som nasiel ze mm106 nema rad sucho, inde zase pisu ze mu to nevadi.

Na anglickom fore som nasiel toto porovnanie podpnikov, raz su za dobrych podmienok a raz su za horsich. Neviem ci je to ale pravda, museli by to potvrdit skusenejsi :-) Je to po anglicky.

Trials conducted by the research stations several decades ago show mature tree size (10-15yrs) roughly as follows, in size order within each set of growing conditions:
The largest trees reached about 4m in height and 5m spread (rated at 100%).

Good conditions:

M4: 100%
MM109: 96%
M16: 86%
M25: 84%
M2: 72%
MM111: 66%
M7: 62%
MM106: 59%
M1: 51%
M9: 18%

Challenging conditions:

M16: 61%
MM109: 58%
M25: 42%
MM111: 41%
M4: 41%
M7: 35%
M2: 31%
MM106: 24%
M1: 22%
M9: 10%

Notice that some rootstocks thrive in some conditions, but not in other conditions.
Among the really big rootstocks, M16 was smaller than M4 or MM109 in good conditions, but M16 was larger in challenging conditions - much larger than M4.
MM111 really shoots up the league table in the more difficult conditions and is a match for M25 (matching the M4 rootstock which was the largest in the good soil).
M7 and MM106 are similar in good conditions, but M7 does better in poorer conditions.
Similarly: MM106 is only slightly smaller than MM111 in good conditions, but is much smaller in poorer conditions (doesn't like soil which dries out easily).

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